Published: 24.10.2024

Pursuant to the regulatory acts governing the activities of market participants, a market participant is obliged to disclose information to its users within a specified timeframe, adhering to the established procedure and extent.

Information published on the website of the market participant must be easily accessible, user-friendly, understandable, and prepared in accordance with the requirements established in the regulatory acts.

EMTs e-money tokens
ARTs asset-referenced tokens
CASPs crypto-asset service providers

 More about classification of crypto-assets within the MiCA framework

Information to be made public


Place of publication

Timeframe of publication

Market participant subject to the requirement

Publish the marketing communications containing all information specified in Article 7 of MiCA

Article 7 of MiCA


Not specified

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

Publish the white paper

Article 9 of MiCA


At a reasonable time in advance of, and in any event before the starting date of, the offer to the public of crypto-assets or the admission to trading of crypto-assets

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

Inform of the result of the offer to the public

Article 10(1) of MiCA


Within 20 working days of the end of the subscription period

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

Offerors that do not set a time limit on their offer to the public of crypto-assets publish the number of units of the crypto-assets in circulation

Article 10(2) of MiCA

Article 10(4) of MiCA


At least monthly.

When the offer to the public has no time limit, the offeror complies with Article 10(3) of MiCA until the right of withdrawal of the retail holder pursuant to Article 13 has expired

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

In case of modifications to the white paper, immediately inform the public of the notification of a modified crypto-asset white paper with the competent authority of its home Member State and provide a summary of the reasons for modifications

Article 12(3) of MiCA



Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

Publish the modified crypto-asset white paper and, where applicable, the modified marketing communications, including the reasons for such modification

Article 12(6) of MiCA


Not specified

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)


Information to be made public


Place of publication

Timeframe of publication

Market participant subject to the requirement

Publish the crypto-asset white paper and its modifications

Article 28 of MiCA


By the starting date of the offer to the public of the ART or the admission to trading of that ART

Issuers of ARTs

Publish the marketing communications complying with the requirements referred to in Article 29 of MiCA

Article 29 of MiCA


Marketing communications are not disseminated prior to the publication of the white paper

Issuers of ARTs

Disclose the amount of ARTs in circulation and the value and composition of the reserve of assets referred to in Article 36 of MiCA

Article 30(1) of MiCA



Issuers of ARTs

Publish a summary of the audit report, as well as the full and unredacted audit report, in relation to the reserve of assets referred to in Article 36 of MiCA

Article 30(2) of MiCA


As soon as possible

Issuers of ARTs

Disclose any event that has or is likely to have a significant effect on the value of the ARTs or on the reserve of assets referred to in Article 36 of MiCA

Article 30(3) of MiCA


As soon as possible

Issuers of ARTs

Publish complaints-handling procedures and a sample complaint form, make available a template for filing complaints

Article 31(1) of MiCA

Article 31(3) of MiCA


Not specified

Issuers of ARTs

Communicate the outcome of handling complaints to the clients

Article 31(4) of MiCA

Not specified

Within a reasonable period

Issuers of ARTs

Disclose the general nature and sources of conflicts of interest referred to in Article 32(1) of MiCA and the steps taken to mitigate them

Article 32(3) of MiCA


Not specified

Issuers of ARTs

Publish the results of independent audits of the reserve of assets

Article 36(10) of MiCA


Within two weeks of the date of notification of the results to the competent authority

Issuers of ARTs


Information to be made public


Place of publication

Timeframe of publication

Market participant subject to the requirement

Publish the crypto-asset white paper and its modifications

Article 51 of MiCA


Before offering the EMT to the public in the Union or seeking an admission to trading of the EMT

Issuers of EMTs

Publish the marketing communications containing all information specified in Article 53 of MiCA

Article 53 of MiCA


Marketing communications are not disseminated prior to the publication of the crypto-asset white paper

Issuers of EMTs

Information to be made public


Place of publication

Timeframe of publication

Market participant subject to the requirement

Inform clients of the risks and provide them with hyperlinks to any crypto-asset white papers for the crypto-assets in relation to which the CASPs are providing those services

Article 66(3) of MiCA

Not specified

Before the transaction


Make their policies on pricing, costs, and fees publicly available

Article 66(4) of MiCA

In a prominent place on the website

Not specified


Make publicly available information related to the principal adverse impacts on the climate and other environment-related adverse impacts of the consensus mechanism used to issue each crypto-asset in relation to which the CASPs provide services

Article 66(5) of MiCA

In a prominent place on the website

Not specified


Disclose to the public the insurance policy referred to in Article 67(4) of MiCA

Article 67(5) of MiCA


Not specified


Inform clients of the records of the crypto-asset services, activities, orders, and transactions undertaken by them

Article 68(9) of MiCA

Not specified

Upon request


Inform clients of the payment services provided and their aspects referred to in Article 70(4) of MiCA

Article 70(4) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified


Publish complaints-handling procedures and a sample complaint form

Article 71(1) of MiCA


Not specified


Inform clients of the possibility of filing a complaint, make available to clients a template for filing complaints

Article 71(3) of MiCA


Not specified


Communicate the outcome of the investigations of complaints

Article 71(4) of MiCA

Not specified

Within a reasonable period


Disclose to clients the general nature and sources of conflicts of interest referred to in Article 72(1) of MiCA and the steps taken to mitigate them

Article 72(2) of MiCA

In a prominent place on the website

Not specified


Set out the data protection standards

Article 73(1) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified


Define their rights and obligations and those of the third parties to which the CASPs are outsourcing services or activities

Article 73(3) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified


Include in the agreement information to be provided in a standard agreement pursuant to Article 75(1) of MiCA

Article 75(1) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified

CASPs providing services of custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Provide a summary of the crypto-asset custody policy

Article 75(3) of MiCA

In an electronic format

Upon request

CASPs providing services of custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Provide a statement of position of the crypto-assets of clients recorded in the name of those clients

Article 75(5) of MiCA

In an electronic format

At least once every three months and at the request of the client concerned

CASPs providing services of custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Provide clients with any information about operations on crypto-assets that require a response from those clients

Article 75(5) of MiCA

Not specified

As soon as possible

CASPs providing services of custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Inform clients if other service providers are used for crypto-asset custody

Article 75(9) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs providing services of custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Obtain consent from the client in case a platform engages in matched principal trading

Article 76(6) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs operating a trading platform for crypto-assets

Make public any bid and ask prices and the depth of trading interests at those prices which are advertised for crypto-assets through their trading platforms

That information is made available free of charge 15 minutes after publication in a machine-readable format and it remains published for at least two years

Article 76(9) of MiCA

Not specified

Make that information available to the public on a continuous basis

CASPs operating a trading platform for crypto-assets

Make public the price, volume, and time of the transactions executed in respect of crypto-assets traded on the trading platforms of CASPs

That information is made available free of charge 15 minutes after publication in a machine-readable format and it remains published for at least two years

Article 76(10) of MiCA

Not specified

As close to real time as is technically possible

CASPs operating a trading platform for crypto-assets

Publish a firm price of the crypto-assets or a method for determining the price of the crypto-assets that the CASPs propose to exchange for funds or other crypto-assets, and any applicable limit determined by the CASP on the amount to be exchanged

Article 77(2) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs exchanging crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets

Inform clients of the conditions for their order to be deemed final

Article 77(3) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs exchanging crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets

Publish information about the transactions concluded by the CASPs, such as transaction volumes and prices

Article 77(4) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs exchanging crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets

Provide appropriate and clear information to clients on the order execution policy referred to in Article 78(2) of MiCA and any significant change thereto

Article 78(3) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified

CASPs executing orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Demonstrate to clients, at their request, that the CASP has executed its orders in accordance with its order execution policy

Article 78(4) of MiCA

Not specified

Upon request

CASPs executing orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Inform clients that their orders might be executed outside a trading platform and obtain consent

Article 78(5) of MiCA

Either in the form of a general agreement or with respect to individual transactions

Before clients proceed to execute their orders outside a trading platform

CASPs executing orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Notify clients with whom the CASPs have an ongoing client relationship of any material changes to their order execution arrangements or order execution policy

Article 78(6) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs executing orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Communicate to the offeror, to the person seeking admission to trading, or to any third party acting on their behalf all the information referred to in Article 79(1) of MiCA and obtain their agreement

Article 79(1) of MiCA

Not specified

Before entering into an agreement

CASPs placing crypto-assets

Inform prospective clients whether the advice is:

  • provided on an independent basis;
  • based on a broad or on a more restricted analysis of different crypto-assets

Article 81(2) of MiCA

Not specified

Before providing advice

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Provide prospective clients with information on all costs and related charges, including the cost of advice, where applicable, the cost of crypto-assets recommended or marketed to the client, and how the client is permitted to pay for the crypto-assets, also encompassing any third-party payments

Article 81(4) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Clearly disclose to the client the existence, nature, and amount of the payment or benefit referred to in Article 81(4) of MiCA or, where the amount cannot be ascertained, the method of calculating that amount, in a manner that is comprehensive, accurate and understandable

Article 81(6) of MiCA

Not specified

Prior to the provision of the relevant crypto-asset service

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Warn clients or prospective clients of the risks referred to in Article 81(9) of MiCA

Article 81(9) of MiCA

Not specified

Not specified

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Provide clients with a report on suitability specifying the advice given and how that advice meets the preferences, objectives, and other characteristics of clients, including the minimum information referred to in Article 81(13) of MiCA

Article 81(13) of MiCA

In an electronic format

Not specified

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Provide periodic statements to clients of the portfolio management activities carried out on their behalf

Article 81(14) of MiCA

In an electronic format

Every three months, except in cases where a client has access to an online system where valuations of the client's portfolio and updated information can be accessed, and where there is evidence that the client has accessed a valuation at least once during the relevant quarter

CASPs providing advice on crypto-assets or providing portfolio management of crypto-assets

Conclude an agreement with their clients to specify their duties and their responsibilities and include the information referred to in Article 82(1) of MiCA

Article 82(1) of MiCA

In the agreement

Not specified

CASPs providing transfer services for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

Inform clients of inside information referred to in Article 87 of MiCA that directly concerns them.

Do not combine this information with the marketing communications

Article 88(1) of MiCA


Post and maintain on the website, for a period of at least five years, all inside information that they are required to disclose publicly

Issuers, offerors, and persons seeking admission to trading