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Information about Baltic International Bank SE
To ensure the stability of Latvia’s financial sector and protecting the interests of bank’s customers and creditors, the Board of the FCMC decided to suspend the provision of financial services at Baltic International Bank SE during the extraordinary meeting of 12 December.
Information for former bank clients
- AS "PNB Banka"
- AS ABLV Bank
- AS "Trasta komercbanka"
- AS "Latvijas Krājbanka"
Latvijas Banka – a mediator in the relationships between credit institutions and their customers.
Information for depositors of former credit unions
Credit unions whose depositors are entitled to apply for the guaranteed compensation:
- Pūņu Kooperatīvā krājaizdevu sabiedrība
- LABA Kooperatīvā krājaizdevu sabiedrība
- Tirzas kooperatīvā krājaizdevu sabiedrība
Critical financial services
Learn about cash and other financial services in a situation of crisis.
Customer basic account services
A basic account is a type of payment account that provides access to basic payment account functions for the customer, a natural person residing in the EU.