
All news
Latvijas Banka is issuing a collector coin dedicated to the science theme
Warning issued to SIA Transact Pro
Building resilience to fraud and enhancing digital financial literacy with EU support in Latvia and Lithuania

Exchange rates

Updated: 27.09.2024

USD USD 1.115800
GBP GBP 0.833380
JPY JPY 159.630000
CHF CHF 0.942000
All rates

Euro calculator


Interest rates

Effective from: 18.09.2024

Main refinancing operations 3.65 % 
Marginal lending facility Fixed rate 3.90 %
Deposit facility 3.50 %


Full calendar
A meeting of the Council of Latvijas Banka

Webinar on crypto-asset service providers licensing

Webinar organized by Latvijas Banka focusing on the licensing possibilities for crypto-asset service providers in Latvia.

An interview with Mārtiņš Kazāks to TV3 900 seconds programme

An interview with Mārtiņš Kazāks, Governor of Latvijas Banka, to TV3 900 seconds programme

Economic Conference "Financing a Better Future"

Latvijas Banka’s Economic Conference "Financing a Better Future. The Vital Role of Financer in Achieving Sustainable Growth", organised in cooperation with SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum, will bring together internationally renowned experts to discuss the development prospects of the financial sector and its contribution to economic growth.

Register now

Participation of Marine Krasovska in the discussion What should the next Latvia’s National FinTech Strategy look like?

Participation of Marine Krasovska, head of the Financial Technology Supervision Department, in the discussion What should the next Latvia’s National FinTech Strategy look like?

Useful information